
11:13pm // 3.23.2024

I will use this website for posting random writings, projects, etc. that I work on and I think are worth sharing. If you are here, I appreciate you readings what I have to offer and I hope you enjoy your time.

My intent is to share things related to weird and interesting games, old internet stuff, random quirky computer things, and anything else that I deem cool. Please bear with me while I relearn web design things. To get up and running faster, I have opted to use an old open source design I found on Credit is at the bottom of the home page.

If you are reading this page in particular, then you have shown yourself to be particularly curious. I appreciate and admire that. Keep up the good work :-). To reward you for your hard work and curiosity, here are a few cat gifs. Also, see my neko friend in the top left.

kitty laying downkitty laying downkitty laying downkitty laying downkitty laying downkitty laying downkitty laying downkitty laying downkitty laying downkitty laying downkitty laying down kitty emailkitty emailkitty emailkitty emailkitty emailkitty emailkitty emailkitty emailkitty emailkitty emailkitty emailkitty emailkitty emailkitty emailkitty emailkitty email kitty laughkitty laughkitty laughkitty laughkitty laughkitty laughkitty laughkitty laughkitty laughkitty laughkitty laughkitty laughkitty laugh kitty facekitty facekitty facekitty face kitty lovekitty lovekitty love

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